Health care law (including regulatory and compliance issues, public health law, medical ethics, and life sciences), with digressions into constitutional law, statutory interpretation, poetry, and other things that matter
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Living with an incurable genetic disease
Fen-phen lawyers defrauded plaintiffs, court rules
There's more, and it's all ugly. Shameful.W. L. Carter knew there was something fishy going on when he went to his lawyers’ office a few years ago to pick up his settlement check for the heart damage he had sustained from taking the diet drug combination fen-phen.
The check was, for starters, much smaller than he had expected. And his own lawyers threatened to retaliate against him if he ever told anyone, including his family, how much he had been paid. “You will be fined $100,000, you will go to jail and you will be sued,” Mr. Carter recalled them saying.
Mr. Carter was right to have been suspicious. The lawyers defrauded their clients, a state judge has ruled in a civil case, when they settled fen-phen lawsuits on behalf of 440 of them for $200 million but kept the bulk of the money for themselves. Legal experts said the fraud might be one of the biggest and most brazen in legal history.
This week, several clients testified before a federal grand jury that has begun to investigate potential criminal wrongdoing arising from the settlement.
“It enrages me,” said Sonja Pickett, a retail manager, who testified Thursday before the grand jury. “They robbed us.”. . .
The basic facts are not in dispute. When the clients sued the drug maker, they agreed to pay the lawyers 30 percent to 33 percent of any money that was recovered, plus expenses. In this case, that would have left the 440 clients to divide perhaps $135 million.
But the clients received only $74 million. An additional $20 million went to a questionable “charitable fund.” The rest — $106 million — went to lawyers. Though amounts of the individual settlements remain sealed, court papers suggest they were from $100,000 to $5 million. On average, plaintiffs received less than 40 percent of what the settlement agreement specified, instead of the roughly 70 percent to which they were entitled.
Had the lawyers merely taken what they were contractually entitled to, they would have become very rich men, said Tracy Curtis, a mortgage loan officer who is also suing her former lawyers. “They could have taken the high road,” Ms. Curtis said. “They would have made plenty of money.”
Federal bill prohibiting genetic discrimination analyzed by Congressional Budget Office
- Amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and the Public Health Service Act to expand the prohibition against discrimination by group health plans and health insurance issuers in the group and individual markets on the basis of genetic information or services to prohibit: (1) enrollment and premium discrimination based on information about a request for or receipt of genetic services; and (2) requiring genetic testing. Sets forth penalties for violations.
- Amends title XVIII (Medicare) of the Social Security Act to prohibit issuers of Medicare supplemental policies from discriminating on the basis of genetic information.
- Extends medical privacy and confidentiality rules to the disclosure of genetic information.
- Makes it an unlawful employment practice for an employer, employment agency, labor organization, or training program to discriminate against an individual or deprive such individual of employment opportunities because of genetic information. Prohibits the collection and disclosure of genetic information, with certain exceptions.
- Establishes a Genetic Nondiscrimination Study Commission to review the developing science of genetics and advise Congress on the advisability of providing for a disparate impact cause of action under this Act.
For a more detailed discussion of the bill, go to H. Rept. 11-28 (Part I), March 5, 2007. Also, a number of states already have similar laws on their books. The National Conference of State Legislatures has a handy list of such laws (last updated Nov. 2006 (employment) and June 2005 (insurance)).
Yesterday, the CBO published its cost estimate for H.R. 493. Over 10 years, the federal treasury would be out about $2 million (because premiums for some of the new insureds would be tax-deductible) and the CBO estimates increased outlays of about $2 million (assuming appropriations are approved) for the Departments of Labor, Treasury, and HHS. There will be additional state and private-sector mandates in connection with the anti-discrimination law, but CBO figures the cost will be low for the states and below the threshold in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act for the private-sector actors.
If there's a surprise in any of this, it might be in the estimated number of citizens expected to benefit from this law: 600. Is there any chance this is a typo?
Thursday, March 22, 2007
PARTICIPATION FOR TRANSPLANT CENTERSThe Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule today setting forth the requirements that transplant centers must meet to participate in the Medicare program that moves Medicare covered transplant programs toward an outcome-focused system.
This final rule will move Medicare-covered transplant programs toward an outcome-focused system that reflects the clinical experience, resources and commitment of the transplant program. The rule contains comprehensive conditions of participation for transplant programs serving Medicare beneficiaries.
It will ensure effective oversight of transplant centers by advancing coordination between CMS, State survey agencies, the Health Resources and Services Administration, the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network and the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients.
“This is a major milestone in our efforts to make sure that people needing transplants get the best possible care, while giving transplant centers and physicians comprehensive and reliable guidance,” said Leslie V. Norwalk, CMS acting administrator. “This rule both improves the current transplant outcome measure requirements and strengthens the protection of the health and safety of patients and living donors.”
In recent decades, remarkable strides in transplantation technology and pharmacology have turned organ transplantation into a mainstream treatment for many patients in end stage organ failure. CMS issued coverage decisions related to heart transplants in 1987, liver transplants in 1991, lung transplants in 1995, and intestine transplants in 2001 and updated in 2006. Kidney transplant centers have been regulated in the Code of Federal Regulations since 1976. This rule will consolidate all transplant center requirements into one regulation.
All transplant centers that continue to participate in Medicare, including kidney transplant centers, are required to submit a request for initial approval. Once approved by Medicare, transplant centers are eligible for re-approval every 3 years.
Transplant centers with current Medicare approval, that have applied for initial approval within 180 days from the effective date of the final rule may continue to provide transplant services and receive payment from Medicare until CMS makes a decision on the transplant center’s request for approval.
The final rule went on public display today at the Office of the Federal Register for publication on Friday, March 23, 2007.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
IRS releases "Good Governance Practices" for charitable organizations
The IRS seems to be saying that adoption of these good governance practices is not a criterion for obtaining or retaining exempt status, but that an organization that departs to a significant degree from them is more likely to engage in practices that put its exempt status in jeopardy. Interestingly, if somewhat bizarrely, the Service inserted a comment about board size into its introduction that doesn't appear -- either implicitly or explicitly -- in the Good Governance Practices themselves. It's the trite-but-true "Goldilocks" principle that boards that are too small have difficulty representing "a public interest" and boards that are too large "may be less attentive to oversight duties." Presumably boards that are "just right" are more likely to see that their duties are carried out in a manner that promotes, in the case of exempt hospitals, community benefits.
Monday, March 05, 2007
GAO testimony on DOD/VA care problems for injured soldiers, vets
It may be true, as Paul Krugman writes in today's op-ed (paid TimesSelect subscription required) in the N.Y. Times, that the worst of the worst in terms of quality care (or the lack thereof) is in the military hospitals, which are separate and distinct from the VA. And the VA may still be the exemplar of quality that it's been touted to be for the past 10 years (although that's not what I hear from the medical students who rotate through the VA hospital here, and that's not the message from vets in today's Post article by Hull and Priest). But the testimony of the GAO witness documents some of the ways that the care in the VA system breaks down when a patient is handed off from the military's hospital system to the VA's.
To be middle-class and uninsured
The article offers a good illustration of the problems encountered by the uninsured.[T]he uninsured are not necessarily the poor, the unemployed and the undocumented. Solidly middle-class people like Ms. Readling are one of the fastest growing subgroups.
And that is one reason, according to a recent New York Times/CBS News poll, that the problems of the uninsured have jumped to the top of the domestic political agenda in Washington and on the campaign trail.
Today, more than one-third of the uninsured — 17 million of the nearly 47 million — have family incomes of $40,000 or more, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a nonpartisan organization. More than two-thirds of the uninsured are in households with at least one full-time worker.
Undertreatment and general mismanagement of chronic conditions will, in the long run, result in more expense, not less, but if short-term cash flow makes the cost of care prohibitively expensive, where's the safety net for patients like Ms. Readling? It doesn't exist.To save money, Ms. Readling said, she defers visits to the doctor and stretches out her cancer medication, which costs her about $300 a month. She takes the tiny pills three or four times a week, rather than seven days a week as prescribed.
“I really try to stay away from the doctor because I am so scared of what everything will cost,” said Ms. Readling, who is divorced and has twin 18-year-old sons. Before every doctor’s visit and test, she asks, “How much are you going to charge me?” She says she tries to arrange “the best deals I can.”
But in many cases, the price is still unaffordable, and “I have to do without.”
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Washington state courts publish public health emergency bench book
NY Times article on the pervasive -- and perverse -- presence of IRBs on campus
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Second Champaign hospital loses its exempt status
The Board of Review's letter brief argued that the hospital was guilty of inurement by providing a practice platform for the for-profit physician group that operated it. Granted, this is the position of a single taxing authority (and maybe the state as well), but if that analysis is adopted widely, a lot of multi-specialty physician groups (at least the ones that aren't organized as nonprofits) with an affiliated health or hospital group are going to want to take a close look at whether they are organized and operated for a charitable purpose. Every entity's facts will be a little different, and exempt status is a "facts and circumstances" determination, but counsel for any such organization will want to pay close attention to the County's analysis of the inurement issue, as well as the other facts relied on in their brief.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Everything you always wanted to know about nanotechnology but were afraid to ask
If you're coming to the nanotech party a little late, a good place to start would be the federal government's National Nanotechnology Initiative:
The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is a federal R&D program established to coordinate the multiagency efforts in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.
The goals of the NNI are to:
- Maintain a world-class research and development program aimed at realizing the full potential of nanotechnology;
- Facilitate transfer of new technologies into products for economic growth, jobs, and other public benefit;
- Develop educational resources, a skilled workforce, and the supporting infrastructure and tools to advance nanotechnology; and,
- Support responsible development of nanotechnology
Twenty-five federal agencies participate in the Initiative, 13 of which have an R&D budget for nanotechnology. Other Federal organizations contribute with studies,
applications of the results from those agencies performing R&D, and other collaborations. (See NNI Participants and NNI Structure and Strategies)
Monday, February 12, 2007
Lethal injection: what does the physicians' non-role portend?
AHLA's Health Lawyers Weekly (Feb. 9)
Top Stories
- President Bush Issues FY 2008 Budget, Calls For Substantial Medicare, Medicaid Reductions
President Bush issued his fiscal year (FY) 2008 budget proposal this week, calling for roughly $101 billion in savings from Medicare and Medicaid over five years. Full Story - CMS Reports More Medicare Part D Beneficiaries Using Generic Drugs
New data indicates that many Americans are saving money by switching to generic drugs, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Full Story
Articles & Analyses
- Michigan Legislature Passes Provisional Nurse Licensure Statute, by Gregory W. Moore, Hall Render, Killian Heath and Lyman
Current Topics
- Arbitration/Mediation
Ohio Appeals Court Upholds Nursing Home Arbitration Agreement Finding Procedural But Not Substantive Unconscionability - Business Transactions
Seventh Circuit Holds Management Company Breached Lease Agreement When Intermediary Care Facility Lost State CON - ERISA
U.S. Court In Michigan Finds Plan Member Has Standing To Sue Under ERISA Even Without Proof Of Personal Injury - Food and Drug Law
Drug Safety Legislation Introduced In Senate - Fraud and Abuse
1. Update
2. U.S. Court In Arkansas Dismisses FCA Qui Tam Action Against Hospital And Rehabilitation Services Provider On Finding Of Insufficient Evidence - Health Policy
Major Employers, Union Team Up To Improve Healthcare System - Healthcare Access
Workers' Decision To Participate In Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Plans Affected By Affordability Of Premiums, Study Finds - HIPAA
U.S. Court In Connecticut Says HIPAA Does Not Bar Ex Parte Interviews With Employees At Group Home Where Plaintiff Was Allegedly Neglected - Hospitals and Health Systems
1. Texas Appeals Court Finds Hospital District Waived Its Immunity By Filing Counterclaim To Physicians' Retaliatory Discharge Claims
2. Lawmakers Question CMS About Specialty Hospital Following Patient Death In Texas - Insurance
U.S. Court In Texas Dismisses Hospital's Claims Against Plan Administrator After Plan Refused To Pay Because Of Pre-Existing Condition Exclusion - Medicaid
Study Finds Six States Have Reported Enrollment Drop Since Implementing New Medicaid Documentation Requirements - Medicare
1. OIG Presents Baseline Data On Medicare Part B Services For Nursing Home Residents
2. U.S. Court In Tennessee Rejects MSP Action By Individual Claiming Standing As Qui Tam Relator - News in Brief
Low Health Literacy May Lead To Unsafe Care, Joint Commission Says - Physicians
Ninth Circuit Allows Physician To Proceed With Retaliatory Termination, Unfair Competition Claims Against IPA - Quality of Care
1. Most Patients Do Not Comparison Shop For Healthcare Services, Study Finds
2. Public Reporting Efforts Help Improve Quality Of Care But Implementation Obstacles Remain, Report Says - Tax
IRS Issues Governance Guidelines For Charitable Organizations
(c) 2007, reprinted with permission of AHLA
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Texas' HPV vaccination mandate: upon further reflection . . . .
- Although you note the “opt out” approach taken by Gov. Rick Perry of Texas in which vaccination is required but parents can seek an exemption for reasons of conscience or religious beliefs, recommending the vaccine rather than requiring it could prove to be just as effective without violating the parents’ right to decide affirmatively — at least until the long-term effects are known. Amanda Styron
- Schools may rightfully require that children undergo immunizations that will protect schoolwide populations from acquiring communicable diseases, but cervical cancer does not fall into this category. However benevolent the intent, this is not a matter for Big Brother. Alan Katz
- In Texas, underscreening in African-American and Hispanic women probably accounts for their disproportionately high rates of cervical cancer. These adult women need access and coverage for screening. Unfortunately, there is no lobby for the Pap smear. Deborah Kamali, M.D.
- Compulsory vaccination has a legitimate place in our health care system. But why should the government restrict its vaccinations to the victims? Why not include the carriers? Sue Abercrombie
- Texas will pay hundreds of dollars per girl for the vaccination. Why not spend the money on health care, education about teenagers’ bodies and rights, enriching music, dance, art and science programs that engage, increase confidence and provide an alternative to sexual activity? What kind of people supply schoolgirls to a pharmaceutical company, allowing it to earn millions a year on such mandates? Elizabeth Beiter
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Hospice - rethought and revised
Monday, January 29, 2007
Does anyone know what John Kitzhaber's been up to since he stopped being governor of Oregon? The Archimedes Movement. Check it out.
Monday, January 15, 2007
AHLA's Health Lawyers Weekly (12 Jan 07)
Top Stories
- House Passes Bill Requiring Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation; Bush Threatens Veto
President George W. Bush has threatened to veto a bipartisan bill that would require the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices on behalf of Medicare. The House passed the bill January 12 by a vote of 255 to 170. Full Story - House Clears Stem Cell Bill
As expected, the House passed January 11 a bill aimed at expanding research opportunities on embryonic stem cells. The measure cleared the House by a 253-174 margin, short of the two-thirds majority needed to override a presedential veto. Full Story
Articles & Analyses
- Department Of Justice Revises Policies On Waiver Of The Attorney-Client Privilege In Corporate Fraud InvestigationsBy Joseph Burby, Jennifer Odom, and Kenneth Schwartz, Powell Goldstein LLP
. . . and many news items of note.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
GAO reports from November
- End-Stage Renal Disease: Bundling Medicare's Payment for drugs with Payment for All ESRD Services Would Promote Efficiency and Clinical Flexibility. GAO-07-77, November 13, 2006 (35 pages).
- End-Stage Renal Disease: Medicare Payments for All ESRD Services,Including Injectable Drugs, Should Be Bundled. GAO-07-266T,December 6, 2006 (5 pages).
- Long-Term Care Insurance: Federal Program Has a Unique Profit Structure and Faced a Significant Marketing Challenge.GAO-07-202, December 29, 2006 (29 pages).
- New Drug Development: Science, Business, Regulatory, and Intellectual Property Issues Cited as Hampering Drug Development Efforts. GAO-07-49, November 17, 2006 (47
pages). - Prescription Drugs: Improvements Needed in FDA's Oversight of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising. GAO-07-54, November 16, 2006 (47 pages).
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Health Affairs' 25 most-read articles of 2006
Health Affairs’ 25 Most-Read Articles From 2006
To celebrate the start of Health Affairs’ 25th anniversary year, we list here the 25 most frequently viewed articles published in 2006. In 2006, Health Affairs’’ Web readership grew to 12 million pageviews.
The paper on nurse staffing in hospitals by Jack Needleman and colleagues took the top spot for a paper published in 2006 with 37,547 pageviews. Two papers from 2005 earned the “most-read overall” ranking: “Can Electronic Medical Record Systems Transform Health Care?” by Richard Hillestad and colleagues from Health Affairs’ September/October 2005 issue attracted 40,263 pageviews in 2006, and the medical bankruptcy Web Exclusive by David Himmelstein and colleagues from February 2005 continued its high readership, adding 39,262 pageviews in 2006 to its over 70,000 pageviews from 2005, thus surpassing 100,000 readings of the paper.
25 Most-Read Health Affairs Papers Published in 2006:
25 Most-Read Health Affairs Papers Overall Online in 2006: are sending this notice to subscribers so you may see which papers your cohorts viewed most often at As a subscriber you have online access to these papers and to all journal content. To celebrate our 25th anniversary, we are opening access to the 25 papers from 2006 through January 19, 2007, so you may share these with colleagues, students and others who may not currently have access.
(emphasis added)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
AHLA's Health Lawyers News (5 January 2007)
Top Stories
- Medicaid Commission Issues Final Report On Medicaid Reform
The Medicaid Commission said "fundamental reform" is needed to shore up the long term sustainability of the federal-state Medicaid program in a final report issued December 29 that details its recommendations for achieving that end. Full Story - OIG Finds Only Three Of Ten State False Claims Acts Submitted For Review Comply With DRA Requirements
The Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) has determined that only three of ten state False Claims Acts (FCAs) that it recently reviewed comply with all the requirements set forth in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) to be eligible for the financial incentive bonus, according to information posted on OIG's website December 29. Full Story
Articles & Analyses
- Congress Approves Medicare, Medicaid Changes, by Karen S. Sealander and Eric Zimmerman, McDermott Will & Emery LLP
- CMS Issues Long-Awaited DRA Compliance Guidance And Teleconference, by Elizabeth Callahan-Morris, Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, PLLC
. . . and many news items of note.