Health care law (including regulatory and compliance issues, public health law, medical ethics, and life sciences), with digressions into constitutional law, statutory interpretation, poetry, and other things that matter
Friday, September 28, 2007
FDA's oversight of human-subject research: slim to none
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Health Lawyers Weekly, September 14
Top Stories
- CMS Denies New York’s Plan For Expanding SCHIP, Opposition To New Policy Mounts
- Aventis Pays Over $190 Million To Settle FCA Claims Alleging Fraudulent Drug Pricing And Marketing Practices
Current Topics include Antitrust, Business Transactions, Fraud and Abuse, Healthcare Access, Healthcare Spending, Hospitals and Health Systems, Insurance, Managed Care, Medical Malpractice, Medicare, Physicians, and Tax.
Vatican reaffirms stance on obligatory nature of ANH
This is from the recently posted "Responses to Certain Questions of the United States Confernce of Catholic Bishops Concerning Artificial Nutrition and Hydration," issues by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and, as if it needed to be said, "The Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI, at the Audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, approved these Responses, adopted in the Ordinary Session of the Congregation, and ordered their publication." The English translation is here, and the official commentary is here.
The big questions now are what will be the effect of these statements on health care decisions by Catholics and on the policies of Catholic healthcare institutions.
Insuring the uninsured: the right thing to do, but what's in it for me?
In short, altruism has its limits, as does the public’s appetite for trade-offs in their own lives for the sake of the uninsured, said Bill McInturff, a Republican pollster who worked for the insurance industry in 1993 and 1994. “Never, in my years of work, have I found someone who said, ‘I will reduce the quality of the health care I get so that all Americans can get something,’ ” he said. “Every time the debate reaches that point, it collapses.”
This time, candidates are emphasizing the benefits for people who already have insurance — lower costs for coverage, new programs to improve the quality of health care. “Everyone has to feel, at the end of the day, that they will get something,” said one Clinton adviser.
Expanding coverage to the forty-seven million Americans who now lack health insurance could greatly improve care for people who already are protected. Economists Mark Pauly of Wharton and José Pagán of the University of Texas-Pan American found that insured adults who live in communities with high uninsurance rates are more likely to face problems with access to care and quality than those who live in communities where more people are covered.